Sunday, April 22, 2012

Gluten Free Pumpkin Bread


I decided to I really wanted to make Pumpkin Bread; because, it has been a year since  I have had a piece, and to someone who loves Pumpkin Bread that is far too long!!! This recipe was a lot harder then I thought it was going to be, to convert.  The first try, the flavor was fabulous, but it had that gritty Gluten Free texture; so it actually took me two weeks to get a texture that all of my Gluten Full taste testers, enjoyed.

-3  3\4 c. Pamela's Bread mix
-3 cups sugar
-2 tsp baking soda
-1\2 tsp nutmeg
-1\2 tsp ground ginger
-1 cup vegetable oil
-4 eggs
-2\3 cup buttermilk( the magic texture fixer)
-2 cups pumpkin
-2 cups chocolate chips (optional)

   Preheat the oven to 375 degrees, spray 3 large loaf pans and set them aside. ( make sure they are the same size)  Bake for 45 minutes, or until it comes out clean with a toothpick.

            Mix the dry ingredients together, I just use my Kitchen Aid mixer on low, you could use a hand mixer just as easily.  Then add the eggs, oil and pumpkin, mix well.  Add the chocolate chips now if you would like .  Try and pour even amounts into the 3 pans.

         I really hope you enjoy this bread, I loved it with cream cheese frosting and without; but at least now I won't have to avoid going to all Bakeries anymore.  The smell, of them just makes me feel jealous, but NO longer!  I hope you and your family enjoy the recipe, Natalie

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