Friday, January 17, 2014

Gluten Free Red Velvet Cookies

                             Red Velvet Cookies

     I was on a nightly Pinterest cruise, when I came across this recipe, I love cookies, and I thought how GREAT would this be for a child who has a School Valentine's Day party!?  These fun cookies can be made the day before, wrapped up in cellophane and tied with a cute ribbon; then every little child will feel that their treat is just as good (if not better ) as the store bought treats all of the other children will be eating for the party!
     I am always looking for desserts that make an impact, when I'm asked to bring a dessert.  I have found, that I won over my nieces and nephew's, by having foods that look pretty, and fun to eat....the better it looks the less they care if it's GF or not, they just want to TRY it; once I get them trying things they will ask when I'm making my next dessert and they don't care what is in it, this is when I know I am doing something right!!  I have made some really ugly but tasty desserts, the poor neighbors and family get them.  My only GOAL is to make desserts that I hope people like, and to make baking easy and enjoyable for all of us again. 
      Someday, being Gluten Free won't make us seem like Circus Freaks, and we won't have to give a giant explanation at every dinner party and restaurant, until then, I will keep baking and I hope you will too.  Happy Baking, Natalie   

Adapted from- Eat Cake for Dinner
-1/2 cup butter
-1/3 cup +2 TBS sugar 
-1/3 cup + 2 TBS brown sugar
-1 large egg
-1 tsp Pure Vanilla Extract
-1 TBS red food coloring (I use food gels)
-4 TBS Buttermilk
-1/3 cup cocoa
-1 1/2 tsp baking soda
-1/8 tsp salt
-1/2- 1cup white chocolate chips(depending on what you like, I did a 1/2, but next time I would do 1 cup)
-3 oz. room temperature cream cheese cut into chunks
-1 1/2 cups +2 TBS Pamela's Bread flour
-Cream together the butter, sugar and brown sugar until light and fluffy, then add vanilla and red food coloring
-Next add buttermilk, baking soda, salt and cocoa, mix them well and scrape down the sides
-Then add your egg, mix it in, then add the flour and make sure it is all mixed well, scrape the sides bottom.
-Lastly add the Vanilla chips, mix, then at the very end add the cream cheese chunks a piece or two at a time and mix lightly, then add more and repeat.  (you want a little cream cheese to show) 

Bake in a 375 degree oven, for 10-12 min, this makes about 28.   Make sure and spray your pan with Pam, I found the cookies to have a nice crisp edge and a soft chewy middle.  If you like a crispier cookie, bake for 12-13 minutes.  They stayed fresh for 4 days in a sealed container, they didn't last any longer, they were eaten.  

Here is my favorite thing this week, but actually always! I made these cookies, the same time as the Nutella Cheesecake! AUUHHH, this has not been good for my waist line, lets just say I helped eat both, and I couldn't give it away FAST enough!!  I'll just keep working it off, so I can keep eating Dessert! :-)


  1. These sound so good. I'm not sure where to find Pamela's bread flour though.

  2. @Kimberly G
    Hi, you can find Pamela's Bread Flour at most health food stores, Amazon, check your local grocery store too. It's pretty easy to find, at least I hope it is for you! Thanks for stopping by, Natalie
